The COMPOSTA was born from the need for an affordable and sustainable means of converting organic waste into compost.
Millions of tons of valuable nutrients are flushed down our sewers and dumped into our landfills each year. Farmers and gardeners then buy these lost nutrients back at great cost to themselves and the environment in the form of fertilizers and compost.
In addition to the loss of nutrients from our soils, organic waste that that is dumped in landfills is decomposed largely under anaerobic conditions. This leads to the production of large quantities of methane, a greenhouse gas which is 21 times more detrimental than carbon dioxide in its ability to trap heat in our atmosphere.
Up to 70% of all household waste is recycleble. If we all composted our own organic waste at a domestic level and recycled our waste plastic, metal, paper and glass then we would:
1. Dramatically reduce the amount of waste that needs to be transported and disposed of in landfill sites;
2. Dramatically reduce the amount of fuel and resources used to transport our waste.
3. Dramatically reduce the amount of harmful methane being emitted into the atmosphere.
4. Return nutrients to our soil without the need for expensive petroleum based fertilizers or compost made and transported by energy intensive means.
5. Share in a magical natural process and benefit from nature's bounty.
We trust that you will find this website a useful reference. If you have any queries, please contact us.