What is a COMPOSTA?

The COMPOSTA is  a drum on rollers that allows you to conveniently and efficiently convert organic waste into compost.

•  It is fitted with a sliding door for adding of daily waste. The door is pet and pest proof - even to baboons and children!

• Odors are kept to a minimum due to the aerobic nature of the composting process. Aeration is carried out by turning the COMPOSTA once or twice a day; each time fresh material is added.

• Compost production is far quicker than in a conventioanl compost pile due the aerobic conditions created by frequent mixing. Heat and moisture are also retained, which helps speed up the process.

• The COMPOSTA drum is easily removed from its base and moved to wherever the compost is needed in the garden.

• It is made from robust and durable materials.

The COMPOSTA is made from recycled materials which are locally sourced and assembled to:

• Minimise its carbon footprint; both in terms of transport and fabrication.

• Minimise harmful emissions caused by energy consumption and production of plastics.

• Create employment opportunities in low income communities.